
Monday, 30 September 2013

Monday September 30, 2013

- Today is the last day of September and tomorrow is the first day October

- We read the book, " Fletcher and the Falling Leaves" and talked about the changing seasons


-Ask me another name for fall - autumn

-Ask me my favourite part from this book . Is this a fiction or a non-fiction book?

-In Math we made patterns and to check if our pattern was correct we broke the core

  <   is this a pattern?

- Please read with your child everyday. All students are encouraged to read on Raz-Kids on a
  daily basis. We also encourage you to take your children to the public library. You can get
  a free library card for them.

Friday, 27 September 2013

Friday September 27, 2013

- Today was a fun day. We ran with courage and perserverance in the Terry Fox Run.
- Ask me what is perserverance?
- Monday is the last day for collecting donations for, "Coins for Courage."

- Important health information going home

- We have been learning about numbers and practicing our math learning through hands on activities

- In science we learnt two new words  camouflage and transparent
-Ask me to match the word with the picture
Have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Thursday September 26, 2013

- Ask your child when "t and h" come together, what sound do they make?
-Ask me to make a word with :  th
- Read with me
- We read the book, " 12 ways to make 11" 

- Ask your child to show you different ways of making numbers e.g. show me different ways of making 2, 3, 4 , 5......

Coins for Courage – Terry Fox Run

- Terry Fox Run on tomorrow Friday, September 27th @ 9:30 am. Wear running shoes
-We are asking students to donate change for Cancer Research. Thank you to those 
 students who  did bring in donations
-Donations will be collected each morning
-Donations are voluntary
-All students will participate in the Run 


Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Wednesday September 25, 2013

Coins for Courage – Terry Fox Run
-We will hold our annual Terry Fox Run on Friday, September 27th @ 9:30 am
-We are asking students to donate change for Cancer Research
-Donations will be collected each morning
-Donations are voluntary
-All students will participate in the Run 

-Ask me about Terry Fox. Have a conversation with your child about courage and peserverance.

- We read the book, " Zero"        

Place Value Ten Frame Cards: Students use ten frame cards to build and represent 
   two-digit numbers. Ask your child how he/she can explain number  6 in different 
   ways / explain number 11
- We are also learning how to extend these numbers :  0-10 can build bigger numbers
   with ten-frames. You can print out ten frames and practice numbers with your child


Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Tuesday September 24, 2013

- Thank you for sending in colourful items for our colour display !

- Ask me about Terry Fox. We read about Terry Fox and saw a video clip.
    During our gym time we have been practicing for our Terry Fox Run on Friday
    September 27th, 2013
-An information sheet was sent home today, so that your child has access to Raz Kids. 

-Log on to  or click on the Raz-Kids picture to the right of this blog. 
 If you see Teacher Username, type:  amalik2

-For a short cut 

-Your child should see their name on our class chart.
-Each child has a symbol that he/she will need to click.                                 
-Their password is also found on the sheet sent home today.
-NOTE:  Each child's password is different. 

-Your child's profile has been personalized, so that he/she is reading at an appropriate level. 

-Homework each night is to use Raz-Kids for at least 10 minutes.  Usually that
   is enough time to listen to two stories, read and record them (if you have a microphone), 
   and answer the quiz questions for each book.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at
Mrs. Malik

Monday, 23 September 2013

Monday September 23, 2013

 - Thank you to those students who brought in coloured items for 
    our project

- Read with me

- Ask me what I observed when I was walking to school

- We read the book, Leaf Man and discussed the changing season.  
   Ask me about my favourite part

Thursday, 19 September 2013

Thursday September 19, 2013

- Hope to see you tonight or tomorrow at the parent teacher interviews

- There is no school for students on Friday

- Read with me

- We are learning about colours and want to make colour labels for all colours. Please send different colours with your child for our art project. Please bring in six colours or more e.g.  pony tail,  an old toy, appropriate pictures from magazines, hair band, bottle caps, an old sock, ribbons, crayons, for brown bring things from nature.

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Wednesday September 18, 2013

-Reminder: Please sign up for the parent teacher conferences on line : Thursday (tomorrow) September 19th from 4:15 - 8:00 pm and Friday September 20th from 8:00am - 12:30pm.  
   Conference Manager:

-Information about logging into our online reading program was sent home today. For homework, please log into Raz-Kids using the login information on your homework folder.

-Ask me about cool colours and warm colours

- We did an art project showing cool and warm colours

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Tuesday September 17, 2013

-Reminder : If you are unable to meet during the assigned times or days please feel free to email me to set up a better time.

Conference Manager:

 School Council 

We are holding the first meeting tonight, September 17th at 6:30 pm at Vista Heights School - Please attend
Agenda items:  SUTP book sales, Executive Positions available, Updates from the principal and teachers, Wish List from the school and more


- We are learning about colours. We read the book , "Pete the cat." Ask me about my favourite colour.

Monday, 16 September 2013

Monday Sepetember 16, 2013
-  Reminder : Tuesday (tomorrow) is the first School Council meeting: 
September 17th at 6:30 pm at Vista Heights  School.  PLEASE attend

- Please sign up for the parent teacher conferences on line : Thursday September 19th from 
   4:15 - 8:00 pm and Friday September 20th from 8:00am - 12:30pm.  
   Conference Manager:
Agenda items:  SUTP book sales, Executive Positions available, Updates from the principal and 
   teachers, Wish List from the school and more

- Ask me about the book, " Mouse Paint"
- Which three colours (primary colours) did we use to make other
   colours (secondary colours)?

Friday, 13 September 2013

Friday September 13, 2013

- Virtue Day was a lot of fun! We learnt about virtues i.e. initiative, working cooperately,
   respect, taking care by participating in different activities

- Ask me about my favourite virtue station

School Council – is holding the first meeting Tuesday, September 
   17th at 6:30 pm at Vista Heights School.  PLEASE attend

Agenda items:  SUTP book sales, Executive Positions available, Updates from the principal and 
   teachers, Wish List from the school and more

- Have a nice weekend!

Mrs. Malik

Thursday, 12 September 2013

Thursday September 12, 2013
 - Virtue Day Tomorrow: The students will be divided into groups, and will complete a variety of outdoor activities which relate to the virtues we will be learning this year.  The weather is supposed to be hot and sunny, so please make sure that your child is dressed appropriately for the weather (hat, running shoes, sunscreen) and brings a water bottle.  Get ready to enjoy this special day!
- SUTP Forms: Our first fundraiser this year will be the SUTP books. Each book costs $20 and the school received half of the profit. The SUTP coupon book provides over $25,000 in savings with discounts at places such as Calaway Park, local ski resorts, hotels, fast food restaurants and grocery stores.

Please try to sell as many books as possible to family, friends, and co-worker. Students who sell one or more books will be entered into a draw for every book they sell.
Orders are due back to the school by September 24

Mrs. Malik                                                                                                                                           


Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Wednesday September 11, 2013                                      

-Ask me about shapes in the environment


- Ask me about my favouraite sport
- Read with me
- A Reminder : Please bring your coloured folders and your library books
Mrs. Malik

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Tuesday September 10, 2013

- Ask me about the book, " Its Okay to be Different"
- Read with me
- Please ensure that your child brings indoor shoes

Mrs. Malik

Monday, 9 September 2013

Monday September 9, 2013
- practice writing numbers from 1-10
- Ask me different ways of making 3
- Read with me

Mrs. Malik

Friday, 6 September 2013

Friday September 6, 2013

Friday Septmember 6, 2013

-  Check the Newsletter on line

- Thank you to those parent who were prompt in returning the coloured folders

-  A reminder: Bring in a pair of indoor shoes

- Please Read with your child

-  Ask my authours of room : 8 what they wrote in their Writer's
   Workshop today

- Bring a pattern to share with your peers

- Have a nice weekend!

Mrs. Malik

Thursday, 5 September 2013

Thursday September 5, 2013

Important Reminder:  Please send the coloured folders back to school Every day.

- Student Demographic Report has been sent home. Please update the information in the forms and 
   return to school

- Read with your child 

- Ask your child to look for some patterns


Mrs. Malik

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Wednesday September 4, 2013

Please read with your child.  Try the math and literacy links on the blog!                                                                  

A few reminders:
- Please  bring in your indoor shoes and thank you to those who have  
  already brought them in.
- Breakfast Program : 8:10-8: 40
- Morning Supervision : 8:35- 8:50
- Lunch : 12:00 - 12:45
- Please return the coloured folders the following day.

Ask your child about their favourite part from the book, "The Kissing Hand".
Thank you,
Mrs. Malik

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Tuesday September 3, 2013

             I hope you enjoyed your first day of school. 

            Tell your parents three (3) things that you enjoyed today. 

              Parents:  Coloured folders with important forms were sent home today. 
              Please read, complete, sign and return all forms and fees as soon as possible. 
              Please return the coloured folder the following day, each time it is sent home.