
Friday, 30 May 2014

Friday, May 30, 2014
We have been observing our caterpillars closely. Another caterpillar has died. This is part of what happens in nature. 

                                      Ask me what is this and what are we going to do with it

                                                        Water in the plastic container

                                                 Hmmm....... we noticed bubbles....

                                             Its cracking, It's breaking, Its melting....
                                                We had a discussion, how sugar dissolves in water....

                                       We are making artificial nectar for our butterflies


Engaged in conversations about what are butterflies are going to eat.....

        Observing and excited expressions .....
                                       Predicting and looking what is going to happen next...

Point to the caterpillar that has died....
The artificial food is drying up....
What is butterflies food that eat or drink from nature....

                              Ask me about what we wrote.......

Making words and sentences........ exploring how we can make letters with twigs. Ask
me if I had fun learning with nature......

Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the sun!
Mrs. Malik

Thursday, 29 May 2014

Thursday, May 29, 2014
Most of the caterpillars have ascended to the top of the Butterfly Habitat.  They have made their "-J 

formation" and are busy creating their chrysalis.  We will continue to watch the progression.
A few caterpillars are still at the bottom within their food source and haven't moved too far.  Are they healthy? Will they continue through the stages of metamorphosis?  We don't know for sure, but hope that nature will take care of those meant to survive.

Final Reminder - Pizza Lunch 
Tomorrow is the Pizza lunch for those who used the "healthy hunger" website to place an order.  Some students shared that they were not sure if their parents had ordered.  Please have a conversation with your child, so that they are prepared either way.  Please remember we will NOT have extra pizzas, so if you did not order you will have to provide your child with a lunch, as usual.  All students are welcome to join us in this event.  If you normally go home for lunch but would like to bring a bag lunch, join us for free - the normal $5.00 fee is not required.  I look forward to dining with everyone tomorrow. :) 

Mrs. Malik

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Today we again watched the Osprey's nest at the Calgary zoo. They have been building their nest on an Enmax pole for the last  16 years every year.   We watched a few videos and read some information about Ospreys.




Ask me why the Osprey has sharp claws?            What is Osprey's prey?


Kachuol: " I thought birds only made nests on trees."

     It is interesting what we sometimes wonder.....

Some students thought that an osprey was......
                - A spray
                - It's a question
                -It is something to do with washing
               - A prey
               - I don't know, I wonder what it is
               - Kind of a bird

We also observed changes in our Lima Beans and the flower that we have been watching

Ask me what is happening to the petals

                                              Ask me about these plants

In Math we did some patterns
Ask me to make a pattern for you

                                       Ask me to read my pattern in a different way
Ask me our learning task
                                                                                        What is a pattern?

Update on our caterpillars. All painted lady have started to make their J's except one. They are getting ready
for meta........

Today we also read the book, "The Little Rose"

This book was a reminder to all our students about respecting each other as an individual and not hurting each others feelings
The Little Rose is a timeless, heartwarming story about embracing who you really are. Finely detailed, irresistible illustrations bring to life this endearing story of the Little Rose growing amongst a bed of weeds. Teased by the ugly weeds around her, the Little Rose nearly gives up but then learns to accept and love herself for what she really is, a beautiful rose. We talked about how
 the Little Rose inspired us to embrace who we are and believe in ourselves despite our current environments. Acceptance, appreciating each other, feelings and not getting intimidated by others.
Everyone is special  and beautiful in  their own way!

-Volunteer Tea tomorrow for those who are invited
-Pizza lunch on Friday, May 30th for those who ordered.  Please ensure you send a snack with your child for recess and any other items they may wish to have at lunch.  If you did not order, you must bring your own lunch.  There are NO extra pizzas for those who decided they wanted one after the due date. 

Mrs. Malik