Friday, May 9, 2014
We have been learning about colours through out the year and did a review of primary and secondary colours by mixing colours and observing white carnations change colours
their colour. Reviewing how plants absorb waterand make food (photosynthesis).
Making a surprise for our loving moms
We observed how colour travelled through the stem to the petals
Ask me about it......
We observe how some flowers absorb water differently....
Look at the daisy.... Both flowers were put in the jar together and
the daisy is taking longer to absorb the purple colour...
To All the Mo'ms :)
Thank you Kindergarten, Mr. Beattie's class for inviting us to watch worms wiggling in your compost. It was amazing to see how worms move using their rings/segments.
Then you can use a garden rake to mix the
peelings with the leaves.
Mr. Beattie used the doc camera
to view a magnification of the
Please ask your child to describe
what they saw in the compost?
Ask me what Mr. Beattie was explaining about his compost?
Mr. Beattie opening is compost bin.
Ask me to point to the worm and how a worm moves?
Observing the plants, we were excited to see some of them
sprouting stems and leaves
Last day to order a pizza for you child is May 23, 2014
Have awonderful weekend!
Mrs. Malik
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