
Friday, 6 June 2014

Friday, June 6, 2014
Our Painted Lady butterflies have arrived. We were able to observe one just as it was emerging from its chrysalis. So far we have 6 in total and hope the remaining will open on the weekend or next week at the latest.  We have place sugar water in the habitat and we saw one unravel its proboscis in order to drink!

It's been a very exciting process over the last few  days.

   We get so excited when we see the butterfly using her proboscis to suck juice from the oranges!

 We have been observing our butterflies throughtout the day. Ask me what I see in this photo.
 This butterfly is camoufla.....d
                                                Why do butterflies need to camouflaged?

In Math we practicesd our Tens and Ones

Ask me to practice this with you......
An example of how the students need to show their thinking. We draw our thinking....
Mrs. Malik

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