
Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Tuesday June 3, 2014

June Virtue: Responsibility

Being responsible means that others can depend on you. You are willing to be accountable for your actions. When things go wrong and you make a mistake, you make amends (make things better). You do not make excuses or blame others. The next time things go wrong, you know better and you are less likely to make the same mistake. When you are responsible you keep your agreements. You give your best to any task. Responsibility is the ability to respond ably; you try your best. It is a sign of growing up. 

We read the book, " Arthur's Pet Business"
Ask me what I learnt from this book. How did Arthur show responsibility in looking after the pets.  Ask me about he book.

Ask me how I show responsiblity at home and at school?

Our school has been selected to participate in Olympic  School visits as part of the 2014 Celebration of Excellence. 

The Canadian Olympic Committee will be bringing Olympians, Paralympians and Coaches fresh off the Sochi 2014 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games to the Calgary area to celebrate the Olympic Movement.

Our school visit will be on Thursday, June 5th.  The Olympians will arrive about 11:10 am and share in the gym for an hour.  This presentation will go into our regular lunch time.  If your child(ren) goes home for lunch they are welcome to bring a lunch and stay on June 5th.

If you would prefer to have your child go home for lunch or day care, please let your teacher know and we will dismiss them at 12:00 pm and they can return at 12:45 pm.

 June News Letter: The single page hard copy of the June Newsletter was sent home on blue paper on Friday. Please take a moment to look at the entire newsletter full of art work and learning opportunities.
Check out the link:

Important Dates: 

June 5 – Olympic Heroes TourJune 10 – School Council 6:30pm – All Parents Welcome 
June 12 – Music Sharing Assembly 10:45June 18 – PAT Gr 6 English Language Arts June 19 – PAT Gr 6 Math 
June 20 – PAT Gr 6 ScienceJune 23 – PAT Gr 6 Social Studies 
June 25 – Stampede BreakfastJune 26 – Farewell Assembly 2:00pm Report Cards Go Home Last Day of Classes 
June 27 – Appeals Day – No School for Students 

 Mrs. Malik

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